These taste lovely and they don’t take long to do at all.
These taste lovely and they don’t take long to do at all.
The grated zest of 1lemon
3 eggs
90gr of salted butter or normal butter with a pinch of
120gr of flour
100gr of sugar
1 teaspoon of yeast
Preheat the oven to 210ºC
Melt the butter in the microwave. Let it cool.
Take a bowl and crack the egg yolks in it. Add the
sugar and whisk until the paste becomes fluffy.
Now, mix the flour and the yeast. Add the flour into
the mixture of eggs and sugar. Do this with a sieve. Stir and add the melted
butter and the lemon zest. Let stand for 30 minutes.
Then, divide the mixture into the fairy cake tray.
Bake in the oven for 8 minutes.
Remove from the oven and leave to cool on a wire rack.
Remove from the oven and leave to cool on a wire rack.
Quick and easy fairy cakes for afternoon teas or as
treat anytime.
molt bon gust i no es triga gaire temps a fer-les .
ratlladura d’una llimona
de mantega salada o mantega normal i un pessic de sal
de farina
de sucre
culleradeta de llevat
el forn a 210ºC
la mantega o margarina al microones. Deixarem que es refredi.
un bol hi posarem els rovells d’ou. Hi tirarem el sucre, ho batrem fins que
quedi esponjós.
barrejarem la farina i el llevat. Ho tirarem a la barreja d'ous i sucre; ho
farem amb un sedàs. Remenarem i afegirem la mantega fosa i la ratlladura de
llimona. Ho deixarem reposar durant 30 minuts.
omplirem els motllos(no els omplirem fins dalt) per fer les magdalenes.
Ho posarem al forn durant 8 minuts. Passat el temps, ho traurem del forn i ho deixarem refredar sobre una reixeta.
Ho posarem al forn durant 8 minuts. Passat el temps, ho traurem del forn i ho deixarem refredar sobre una reixeta.
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