Sunday 2 November 2014

Pumpkin, coconut and ginger soup - Sopa de carbassa, coco i gengibre


This is a perfect fall soup!!!!
Let’s try with new pumpkin recipe.

A pumpkin (diced)
1 onion (chopped)
1 cup of coconut milk
Fresh ginger
A clove of garlic
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Vegetable stock (1 cup)

Take a saucepan or a casserole and put some oil in it and fry the chopped onion and the pumpkin. Add a piece of grated ginger and the smashed garlic. 

Seasoned with salt and pepper. Cook them until golden. Then, add the vegetable stock; let it boil for half an hour.

Once the cooking is over, take a hand blender and purée the pumpkin mixture.

Next, pour the coconut milk and let the soup cook for 10 minutes, without boiling.

Drizzle with oil on top.

It’s a velvety and creamy soup.


Una sopa de carbassa una mica diferent.

Carbassa (trossejada)
1 ceba (picada)
1 tassa de llet de coco
Gingebre fresc
Un gra d'all
Oli d'oliva
Sal i pebre
Brou de verdures ( una tassa)

Agafarem una olla o cassola i hi fregirem la ceba picada i la carbassa. Afegirem un tros de gingebre ratllat i l'all picat. Hi tirarem sal i pebre. 

Ho deixarem coure i després hi tirarem el brou de verdures; ho deixarem bullir durant mitja hora.

Quan hagi passat el temps ho triturarem tot

Després hi aboquem la llet de coco i ho deixem coure durant 10 minuts, sense bullir.

Per acabar, abans de servir hi tirarem un raig d’oli d’oliva.

Ja veureu quin aspecte i olor té més apetitós.

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