Sunday, 26 May 2013

Lemon cream - Crema de llimona


The juice and peel of two lemons
1/4 cup of margarine or butter
1/3 cup of sugar
2 eggs

Put the sugar into the bowl, then crack the eggs and whisk until smooth. Keep aside.

Melt the butter in a pot, over a low heat; add the lemon juice and the lemon peel.

Add the mixture of eggs and sugar to the pot. Stir the mixture in a steady stream until thickened. Do not let it boil.
You can use a whisk.

Then, you pour the cream into individual bowls.

I suggest putting some sliced strawberries or almonds on top. Otherwise, without toppings is good enough.


Raspadura i suc de dues llimones
50 gr. de margarina
2 ous sencers
75 gr. de sucre

Posarem dins d’ un bol el sucre i els ous sencers, ho batrem tot junt.

Desfarem la margarina dins d’un pot a foc suau, hi tirarem el suc de dues llimones i la raspadura.

Hi afegirem el sucre i els ous barrejats. Aleshores anirem remenant procurant que no bulli. Ho farem amb un batedor de varetes fins aconseguir que espesseixi.

Ara ja ho podem abocar dins de bols individuals.

A sobre de la crema hi podeu posar trossos de maduixa o crocant d’ametlla. I si no hi posem res és deliciosa igual.

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