Saturday 22 June 2013

St John's cake - Coca de Sant Joan


We have Sant Joan around the corner!!! Let’s try to make a coca.

2 cups of flour
1 cup of sugar
½ cup of butter (room temperature)
½ bag of yeast
Orange and lemon peel
The juice of one orange
½ cup of milk
Candied fruit (finely sliced): to prevent the fruit from collapsing, coat with a little bit of flour.
2 tablespoons of sugar
A handful of pine nuts
A pinch of salt

Preheat the oven to 180ºC.

Take a deep bowl, crack the eggs, and add the sugar and the butter at room temperature. Whisk until smooth. Then drizzle the milk into the mixture. Now add the orange peel, the lemon peel and the juice of one orange.
Let stand for a while.

Mix the flour and the yeast. Stir the flour and the yeast into the mixture of sugar and eggs with a sieve. The flour and the yeast will fall as drizzle into the bowl. Add a pinch of salt.
Stir the mixture until smooth.

Now take an oven tray and put a sheet of non-stick baking paper on the base. Put the mixture on top.

Now, we put the finely sliced candied fruit and the pine nuts on top of the cake and sprinkle the cake with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Spray the cake with a little bit of water on top before baking.

Put the cake in the oven for 45 minutes.

You’ll see the sugar the sugar becomes golden and crisp.
When the baking is almost finished if you notice that the sugar has become too golden, you can put on a sheet of aluminium foil. (Open and close the oven very quickly)

It’s so sweet!!!  Yummy yummy!!!


Tenim la revetlla de Sant Joan aquí mateix!!! Anem a provar de fer una coca!!!

3 ous
250 gr. de farina de força
200gr. de sucre
100gr. de mantega ( a temperatura ambient)
125ml (mig got) de llet
La ratlladura de taronja i de llimona
½ sobre de llevat
Fruita confitada (tallada fineta): per prevenir que vagi al fons, les enfarinarem amb una mica de farina)
2 cullerades de sucre
Un grapat de pinyons
Un pessic de sal

Escalfarem el forn a 180ºC.

Agafeu un bol fondo i hi posarem els quatre ous sencers i hi afegirem el sucre i la margarina a temperatura ambient. Ho batrem fins que quedi ben fi. Després hi afegim la llet i la ratlladura de taronja,  llimona i el suc de taronja.
Ho deixem reposar.

Barrejarem la farina amb el llevat, ho passarem pel colador fi per tirar-ho a la barreja de ous, sucre i margarina. Ara un pessic de sal i remenanem.

En una safata per anar al forn hi col·locarem un paper antiadherent. Aleshores hi aboquem la pasta. A sobre de la pasta hi col·loquem la fruita confitada, tallada ben fina els pinyons i dues cullerades de sucre. Hi tirarem unes gotes d’aigua per sobre i ja ho podem enfornar durant 45 minuts.

Veurem que el sucre queda daurat, si hi queda massa. Posarem a sobre del patís un paper d’alumini. (obrirem i tancarem el forn ràpidament)

Quina dolçor!!!! Mmmmm!!!!

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